Meditation & Default Mode Network (DMN) Activation

 As a result of recent functional Magnetic Resonance (fMRI) studies, the Default Mode Network, along with the Salience Network, and the Executive Function Networks have emerged as three loosely defined neural networks in the brain, associated with how our Mind processes external stimuli, i.e., sensory inputs, and acts upon them.

 During the last twenty years, fMRI research involving resting state networks of the brain, especially the DMN, has received a lot of attention. The DMN is a key brain network that underlies awareness of the “self within its environment” during periods of cognition not involved with a task, e.g., resting, day dreaming. Functional changes in the DMN activity profiles have been linked to neurodegenerative pathologies like Parkinsonism, Alzheimer’s disease, and to normal physiological processes like aging.

Meditation, also known as Mindfulness, helps us pay attention to what we are experiencing, i.e., processes of Mind. These techniques are linked to an ancient worldwide practice known as Prayer. Cultivating our lifelong connection with Spirit is increasingly recognized as an integral component of Self Awareness (Identity) and Health.

Meditation techniques could build our capacity to connect with the Earth’s subtle extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields, e.g., the Schumann Resonances (SR).  The peak (fundamental) SR resonance coincides with human alpha (EEG, ~8 Hz) waves.
SR fields, found within the cavity bounded by the ionosphere and the Earth’s surface, are generated (maintained) by lightning discharges around the earth and are sensitive to solar winds /storms.
This is an area that needs greater work (study), using the special skills of people who have engaged in meditation techniques for a long time, e.g., Buddhist monks, and can achieve increased alpha EEG output, on demand. All of us have the ability to achieve states of alpha activity, as EEG records indicate.

Can meditation help improve attentional control and calm us down? Is the DMN one pathway by which we ‒ i.e., our cognitive processes, Mind (Psyche) ‒ can settle down from the unrelenting demands of our hectic lives?
This combined fMRI ‒ EEG research study offers insights into how meditation may rewire our brains’ functional connectivity patterns, and help us relax without drugs.

Note the increased alpha wave activity in trained Meditators, linked to an Alert + Relaxed state of mind. No drugs.