Reconnecting Body & Mind

Asian models of healing, e.g., Yoga, Chi Kung (aka Qi Gong) share the perspective that the protection of the Body from the spontaneous dissipation and incessant chatter of the untrained Monkey Mind is one of the greatest health challenges faced by all sentients, throughout their lives.

This is probably old news to other traditional cultures, cultures whose members have not lost their personal connection with the Earth, the foundation upon which our Body is built.

2000+ year old Asian public health perspectives offer low cost solutions for this problem, best developed for, and implemented, at the community level. They involve people engaging in regular physical activity practices which are enjoyable, practices that drain the dysfunctional energetic and cognitive aspects of our Being and redirect its capabilities, i.e., calm consciousness, to protect our Body.

We recognize the relevance of these ancient precepts today, when the Media – especially Social Media, with its powerful personalizable targeted content that reinforce our cognitive biases – makes fools of us by hacking our brains regularly, to do their bidding.  Usually, these processes aim to achieve a financial transaction, with the poor feeding the rich, as the desired outcome.  Buy.

At the neurological level, the basic idea is to bypass our slower and logical thinking processes by eliciting faster and impulsive behaviors, built on the claim that our actions will then embody the models of our society, as directed by those known as “influencers”.  caveat emptor

The secret codes behind the rituals of cultural programming, such as those to ensure compulsive buying, or to ensure and enforce normative conformity, are discussed in documentaries, many available through PBS.

See, for example,  The Wings of Angels .
More info on these ideas are available at the full Hacking Your Mind series.

OR, in the NOVA series,   Your Brain: Perception Deception

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