My specialty is the treatment of chronic and resistant conditions involving soft tissues that do not respond well to pharmaceutical or Western medicine treatments, including Physical Therapy and Chiropractic.
To help me understand why the services provided by my colleagues didn’t get the desired results, I will review their chart notes, especially when dealing with chronic and resistant conditions, e.g., Post Acute or Long Covid syndromes.

We offer integrative health (IH) services in two formats, based on current knowledge of the adverse impacts associated with Western (US) Lifestyle Choices, both good and bad. Most recent findings  focus on the impacts of high calorie, low nutrition diets, low physical activity profiles, and social isolation (e.g., loneliness)  in the case of elders and those suffering from unresolved mental health issues.


Improving Public Health Literacy FREE
Public talks, primarily Q & A sessions addressing questions about lifestyles and what current science tells us about their relationship to good health or adverse outcomes. Some researchers suggest that lifestyle choices can reduce the incidence of serious conditions, including chronic inflammation patterns and cancers by 30-50%.
Under current guidelines accepted by medical doctors, 30-50% remission in symptoms (e.g., pain) is considered a cure, when using synthetic drugs.
Purely informational, for the public at large and from a general perspective, this format has no  formal expectations (no homework, he he) other than to build/increase personal awareness of health.

★ House Call Services, Chronic & Resistant Conditions
During the last decade, and especially during and after the pandemic, research shows that mood disorders, e.g., stress, anxiety/panic attacks, and depression (MDD) have spiked. First, an economic crises, followed by a global pandemic that dragged on for three years and killed many millions of people. These shocks have hurt all of us, around the world.

The first step, is the Evaluation & Management (E/M) session, focusing on historical information, that the patient usually knows the best. Thee information is usually related to symptom onset, severity & duration, a complete systems review from head to toe to assess other systems with potentially related signs and symptoms, and conditions (e.g., environmental, social) that can aggravate or alleviate the primary symptoms or concerns.

In complex and resistant conditions with remitting and relapsing aspects, and conditions known as Body <> Mind disorders (e.g., somatoform disorders) lifestyle factors involving work or  home stressors may form the  root cause(s). Eliminating (reducing) them can lead to significant health improvements. No drugs needed.

Movement and physical activity routines have also gotten a lot of attention from clinical researchers because they improve both physical and mental health without fostering drug dependencies, and may be essentially free once the patient learns what is going on within their body and mind and manages their health concerns with a judicious / or minimal use of drugs.

I always advise my patients to include the prescriber/PCP when engaged in IH transitions, away from default prescription drugs. Dosing changes, e.g., those associated with the reduced need for blood pressure medications following the successful use of physical activity routines, should be discussed.


Conditions that respond well to acupuncture and Chinese herbs are listed below.  Please call the clinic for a FREE consult if you want to get well. Covid-19 Update.

★ Arthritic Syndromes
★ Musculoskeletal Pain
★ Migraines and Tension Headaches
★ Complex and Undefined (e.g., idiopathic) Pain Syndromes
★ Collapse related disorders (e.g., post stroke recovery, organ prolapse, Bell’s palsy)
★ Immune System syndromes. e.g., Allergies, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia.
★ Psycho-emotional syndromes. e.g., Post Trauma Stress Disorders (PTSD), Depression/Anxiety.
★ G.I. syndromes. e.g., GERD, Irritable Bowel Disease, Chronic Diarrhea, Constipation.
★ Women’s Health e.g., Dysmenorrhea, Uterine Fibroids, PMS, Menopause.

I use TuiNa (acupressure, Chinese medical/orthopedic massage and stretching) with acupuncture techniques for external and musculoskeletal conditions. This combination is particularly effective for most chronic muscle tension patterns and benefits are usually experienced within 6-10 treatments.

In addition, I use Internal Medicine‒ i.e., diet/nutrition therapies, Chinese herbs‒ for the treatment of chronic and resistant conditions and to modify constitutional patterns.  These conditions usually require more extended treatment and usually require some lifestyle changes also.

Many formulas in Chinese medicine are hundreds, if not thousands, of years old and their actions and effects on the body are reasonably well understood.  All herbal preparations used in the clinic are made under current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) guidelines, similar to Western pharmaceuticals.

The dropdown menu from this page provides additional information regarding a TCM perspective of Illness, how we develop a TCM Treatment Plan, and about our Financial policies and the use of Insurance.